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Research axes and tools

This challenge addresses needs for new materials and technologies for more efficiency in delivery and use of electricity and a higher share of renewable power sources in electrical generation. The approach ranges from materials through to systems by combining skills in physics, chemistry and electrical engineering. Our activities include Energy harvesting, Energy Storage and Energy efficiency. LEDs, Photovoltaics, Thermoelectricity, Photocatalysis, Batteries and supercapacitors, Magnetism, Hydrogen energy, Heat harvesting, Power electronics are examples of topics belonging to this broad Challenge.


N. Galopin (G2ELAB)

P. de Rango (Institut Néel)



Belonging to one of the partner laboratories and looking for support from LANEF for a electrical energy project? Please contact us or discuss with a member of the board within your laboratory :

Didier Mayou Theory, Photovoltaic Institut Néel

Florence Duclairoir Materials for energy storage IRIG/Symmes